Check Indexed Pages

Check Indexed Pages

Check Indexed Pages

Testing competition has the goal to experiment and compare website performance. One important factor to consider when evaluating website performance is to check which pages are indexed by Google and other search engines. Indexed pages are essential for visibility and are an integral part of SEO. 

Checking which pages are indexed can be done manually, but it can also be made much easier with the help of online tools.

How to Check Indexed Pages 

The Google Search Console is a great tool for identifying which pages have been indexed by Google. This can be done quickly by entering the domain name and checking the status tab in the Inspection section. 

Alternatively, you can use the URL inspection tool to identify specific URLs which have been indexed by Google. The same process can also be done for Bing, as they have their own search console with tools to identify which pages have been indexed by their search engine.

You can also use bulk indexation checker tools to easily identify which pages have been indexed. These tools provide a quick and easy way to submit a list of URLs and get a report on the total number of indexed URLs, the indexation status, the crawl coverage, and any reasons why some of the URLs may not be indexed. You can also use them to check if Google has indexed your site, check if Google has indexed a specific page, or identify which URLs are not being indexed.

Why Check Indexed Pages? 

Using these tools, you can easily identify which pages have been indexed and identify any issues related to crawling and indexing. This will help you ensure that all of your web pages are properly indexed, helping to maximize your visibility and performance in the competition.

To get more people to visit the website, you need to be indexed by Google. Python allows you to determine whether or not the URL has been indexed by Google. How to do it for all blog posts is shown on this page. The sitemap is used to extract the blog post URLs. As a result, all you need to do to use this code on your page is change the sitemap URL. 

UTM Link Generator

You can report the indexed/not-indexed page hourly, daily, weekly, or whenever you want if you know how to use Heroku, crontab, or other lightweight resources that let scripts run frequently and can send Python-based emails. When this post was written, an illustration of the indexed/not-indexed URL list was in the notebook below.

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